Wednesday 9 January 2013

First exam result!

I passed my first exam result today which I was worried about as the day of my exam was the first day back after my op so I felt pretty clueless!! I passed though!! It is such a relief to know I have passed the first part of that module!!
Now to carry on revising for the two exams at the end of the month and the assignment due in February!!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Back to Uni!!

So we all went back to uni today, it was quite nice just settling back into a routine!! We have been bombarded with exam, assignment and presentation information though!!! Scary times!! Hopefully it will all go well :-) 

Friday 4 January 2013

Glogster in Education

Glogster is a website that allows you to set up an account for you to create your own page exactly to your taste. The account is completely free and is used by many for both private  and educational pages.

This website could work particularly well as the base to a project or assignment. Computers and technology are growing ever more popular within education. By setting a task to be completed via this website you could encourage children to use this resource for personal use as well as educational purposes.

If you were to set a project in an educational setting this would allow pupils to research their own work, which can include text, images, videos and data. I actually created my own page to show how easy and informative this resource can be. I based my page on the slum of Kibera in Nairobi, this is a particular interest of mine that I enjoyed researching about and found out some interesting facts whilst researching. The link to my page is :

Glogster actually has its own link to Google, You Tube, Facebook etc to access pictures and videos without having to separately save or copy and paste in order to appear on your glog. You can edit the set up of your page, include various texts and special effects. Glogster allows you to save and preview your page before publishing it, you can also share your page with your Facebook and Twitter users. The option is there to keep your page private if you wish to do so.

Glogster could definitely be an effective tool to use in the classroom and a way to encourage pupils to use computers on a day to day basis. Children could create their own page about whatever they like to have as a hobby at home. The good thing about Glogster is that you can access it from anywhere, whether at school or at home you can always add to it.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Revision take 2!!

So a new year, with lots of resolutions which include:

1) To grow my nails
2) To lose weight
3) To see my friends more often back home and the biggy.....
4) To make sure I do the best I can at uni!!

This has started with Back breaking Revision - Take 2!!

So my head is back into Vygotsky and Piaget in particular as well as still going over documents that I missed while I was off for my operation!

Happy New Year!!


Happy New Year everyone!! We made it to 2013!!
So we had an eventful New Year, my partner had been suffering with terrible toothache which turned out to be an abscess and ended up having the painful tooth out on New Years Eve!!!! So the long journey back to Mid Wales started off on New Year's eve and then finally after 12 anaesthetics he finally had it out!! Nightmare!
We eventually made it down to my Dad's local Community Centre where they were all seeing the New Year in and finally I had a drink in my hand!! What an eventful New Year!
However, next New Year will be immense as we are booking to go to Vegas baby!!!!!