Saturday 29 December 2012

Blog review -
One of the Blogs I follow on my page is the ‘The Creative Education Blog’. I find this very interesting and useful as it covers all types of discussions about the curriculum, classroom ideas, behaviour and many more subjects. This blog would be very useful to both new and experienced teaching staff as new ideas are always welcome in the classroom.  

Some of the discussions include:

How to tackle persistent lateness

Inspiring students – Emily’s anti-bullying campaign

Using Drama to liven up your lessons.

This blog really does cover a wide series of issues that a teacher will more than likely stumble across.

This blog also has a search box at the top of the page which allows you to search within this blog for certain topics or related words in the text. A list of these given texts will then appear on the page in front of you.

You can also sign up to this blog page to receive all of the latest updates from this blog and you will also receive a copy of their Twitter guide for teachers which comes in pdf format.

Even if you are not signed up for updates on the blog you can still write as a guest on the blog page giving you opinion by commenting on posts you feel that you are knowledgeable on.

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