Saturday 29 December 2012

Pros and Cons of Facebook

                                                        Pros and Cons of

Facebook was launched in February 2004 as a social networking site, it now has over 1 billion user worldwide, and at least half of which are accessed through a mobile device.

I use Facebook myself but there have been many occasions I have considered deleting my account. I don’t like how so many people can access your information and photos. I do keep my account as private as I like but I still think twice about uploading pictures of my brother and sisters, as you never really know who could see them. I keep my account active as it the main way I keep in contact with my friends and some family back in Mid Wales.

There is an age restriction in place to having a Facebook account but children soon figure out how to change their date of birth to create an account. There should definitely be a more secure process to setting up an account as there is certain content on Facebook that some children really could find upsetting, offensive or confusing.

Whilst logged into Facebook you are able to have instant conversation with friends online at the same time, send private messages to both friends and people who you are not connected with, View other profiles and photos and play games. You can also create your own photo albums and tag people that you are friends with in photos that both you and other people have uploaded.

There is now a system in place which I think is a good move for Facebook, where if someone tags you in a photo or a post you have to review and agree to being linked to this post before it goes public. Prior to this as soon as somebody tagged you in a photo you were instantly linked to it without your approval.

I do think that Facebook is keeping up with the times and they are trying to make the site more accessible and secure for users. I will definitely keep my account to stay in contact with friends and family back home as well as seeing any photos that friends and family add on a regular basis.

There is no doubt that I will definitely keep my profile private where only friends can see any posts or photos that involve me.

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