Saturday 29 December 2012


Over Christmas we have needed to revise for exams due to be sat in January, this includes the research and revision of Vygotsky and Piaget.

For those who are unfamiliar with these names, Vygotsky was a Russian and his research has been the base of many learning theories and cognitive development, one of which has been known to become the Social Development theory. Vygotsky was very much behind social learning and interacting with one another. Vygotsky believed that the idea for the potential of an idea depends on 'the zone of proximal development'. The zone of proximal devleopment is illustrated below along with a picture of Vygotsky.


Piaget was a Swiss man and his research was to prove how learning should focus on development rather than learning per se. Piaget believed that there were particular stages of cognitive development, they were:

 This was Piaget:

 This was just a quick update on the Uni work I’m trying to cover through the holidays!! Hope your all having a fab Christmas break!!

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