Tuesday 4 December 2012

What is a blog?

Blogging has been around for about ten years now and this site (Blogger) started back in 1999.

Blog stands for 'web log' and basically is a library of online diaries. Anyone can write anything on their own blog, so blogs are not a reliable source for gathering information. There are many 'spoof' blogs out there...so look out for them!
However many businesses use their own blog pages to communicate with their customers aswell as newspapers using their own blog sites for free publicity and to communicate with their readers.

A blog can be described as a sort of website but some of features that make a blog different are :

* Readers can leave comments
* Content is pulished in a chronological fashion
* Content is updated regularly

Also a blog can be in any language.

Blogging can be used for numerous reasons including :

Educational purposes
Personal diary
Business purposes / publicity
Social networking
Hobby related and many more!!!


  1. You have listed some great blogs here to follow. I'm a bit offended that you spelt mine wrong though! It should be mandy-newapproach.blogspot.co.uk :)

  2. Sorry this has been changed now!!
